Meek Mill Asks 50 Cent To Match His $50k Water Donation To Flint, Michigan


Meek Mill is putting beef aside to focus on more important issues.

Following Meek Mill’s diss on his new4/4 EP, 50 Cent has been relentlessly trolling the MMG rapper on Instagram. For the most part, Meek hasn’t taken the bait, and has now decided to turn a negative into a positive by acknowledging a fan’s request for charity.

“Somebody tell Meek Mill and 50 Cent the ppl in Flint, Michigan could use some water.. Their lives depending on it.. #DontWasteEachOthersTime,” read a tweet from RaspyRawls, Instagrammed bv Meek today.

In case you haven’t been following, Flint is in the middle of a crisis. A lead-contamination in their water has caused Obama to call for Emergency, and disaster relief efforts are now taking place.

Meek captioned the request from the user with a promise to donate money to the cause, calling for 50 to do the same.

“I got 50k to donate to waters … Let’s see if we can have @50cent match me!” he wrote. “I’m pretty sure “flint” supported us! Serious post contact …. Roc nation will purchase for me and ship! Not even just him all entertainers! I ain’t got the tine posting memes and Sh!t… “Way too trill for that” @dallaslifestyle it’s my dawg hometown too! #FORMLKDAY”

Check out his post below. Will the two squash things to direct their energy to more important matters?


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