Dear LIB readers: I should have a say about the number of kids…

From a male LIB reader

My wife and I have one child and she’s on family planning. Now she’s saying she wants another child and I told her all I want is one. Our daughter is okay for me and that’s all I want. She tells me I’m a selfish man and I say no that the economy is not smiling. .. and that since she’s not working we cannot afford another child or even if we can, I do not see the need for that. She tells me what if something happens to the only child and I ask her if having kids has become a gamble. Honestly I feel that the one who provides for the family should decide the number of kids.
I feel so because those who apply pressure on people to have kids only celebrate when the child is born and from there you are on your own. And when things get tough, they start to call you a weak man who cannot provide for his family. I just want one child and I’m satisfied with it.

Source: abegmusic news line

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