Asher Roth – No More Parties In L.A.

It’s only been a few days since Asher Roth dropped his honest “Terry” freestyle. For the most part, he’s been pretty quiet on the music front throughout this year but it’s looking like that’s all going to change in the near future. He’s been teasing an upcoming project throughout 2017 but hasn’t shared much information. However, today he drops his second song of the week over Kanye West’s “No More Parties In L.A.”

Asher Roth isn’t from a major city like New York or Atlanta. The rapper is originally from Morrisville, an outskirt of Philadelphia. So it should come as no surprise that once he penned his deal and moved to Los Angeles, it was a change of pace. On his latest record, he addresses the time he spent in Los Angeles for a few years. It isn’t as heartfelt as his “Terry” freestyle but it’s another honest glimpse into his life. He vividly depicts Los Angeles’ party scene during his freestyle. Ultimately, he ties all these aspects of the stereotypical L.A. lifestyle, something he doesn’t seem to keen on being apart of. In the songs description box, it says “So I had to move back to Philly…” so it’s safe to say that he got sick of the L.A. party scene at some point.

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